7 Ways for New Dads to be involved with their New Baby

As mummy recuperates after giving birth and is learning the ropes of her new role, daddies can get involved with their new baby too! Here's how to tell daddy what he can do to be involved with baby!

Welcoming a new baby into the family spells a fun chapter ahead! As mummy recuperates after giving birth and learns the ropes of her new role, daddies can get involved too. There are many meaningful ways for dads to bond with newborns, even during these early days.

Most men may be lost or unsure about how to bond with their newborn. This may also leave them feeling left out when babies seek comfort from mummy, who needs lots of rest during this confinement period.

Here are some tips on how to tell daddy what he can do to be involved with baby!

ways for dads to bond with newborn: A person holding a baby

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The importance of dad involvement begins at birth.

Ways clueless dads can bond with babies

1. Be ready for diaper changes

From meconium-filled diapers to poopnamis, it’s time for papa to get his hands dirty with diaper changes. Be sure to wash baby’s delicate bum with clean water or use wet wipes. A fresh clean diaper help keeps diaper rash and discomfort at bay. Changing diapers might seem mundane, but it’s one of the easiest ways for dads to bond with newborns while helping ensure hygiene.

2. Give baby a gentle bath

Bathing newborns may feel like slippery eels and that can be challenging. If you’re bathing your infant the first time, it would be assuring to have another adult guide you or lend a hand. There are also newborn bath supports or bath seats to fit into your baby’s bathtub so your little one can’t wriggle too much.

3. Be involved during breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be a bittersweet experience for different mums. If baby latches onto mummy during breastfeed, you can help ensure she’s seated comfortably, offer her water so she stays hydrated or simply sit beside her. Nursing mums are usually worried about their breastmilk supply, so dads can also help too.

For mummies who pump, dads can help to bottle feed baby and take the time to bond and burp the little one. Fathers can also help to wash pump parts and milk bottles.

4. Soothe baby when he cries

First, recognise that not all cries are due to hunger, papa! A little hug, humming and singing might just be what they need to feel safe. Afterall, the little bub was snug in mama’s womb. The world they’re in now is loud and a totally new adventure.

ways for dads to bond with newborn: Big brother hold his siblings. We've raising future husbands who wish to bond with their children in time to come
We’re raising future husbands who wish to bond with their children in time to come!

5. Help baby with tummy time

How early should you start tummy time with baby? Experts suggest that full term babies can start tummy time when they’re back at home, while others suggest starting between 1-3months old. Gently place baby on his tummy on a soft setting like a mattress. It’s not the comfiest position so baby might start to fuss or cry after a minute. Use toys or call your child to interact with him and get his attention so he lifts his head, thereby strengthening his neck muscles, when looking towards you.

6. Offer skin-to skin comfort

Who says only breastfeeding mum can have skin-to-skin comfort with babies? Dads can do the same – just go topless! The benefits of skin-to-skin contact is beneficial to babies: release of oxytocin (love hormone), offers security, reduces stress, helps baby to self-regulate and stabilise heartbeat and breathing patterns and more. Hold on to your naked baby and enjoy the quiet, calm and intimate bonding time, daddy!

7. Babywear your little baby

One of the best ways to go hands-free when you’re a parent is to use a baby carrier or baby wrap. Whether you’re at home or out of the house, baby wearing your baby offers more than convenience – it helps establish closeness that children need. Be sure to adjust the baby carrier to fit daddy and baby comfortable and safely. There are also newborn inserts to use for regular-sized baby carriers.

These 7 ways for dads to bond with newborns ensure an active role in their early days, fostering deep connections and precious memories. Raising a family requires teamwork. As mummies pick up the new responsibilities during the 4th trimester, having an involved and hands-on partner can make a big difference.

It’s important to take good care of ourselves during the post-partum care period because growing a baby and giving birth are both not the easiest. When we look into the mirror, our pregnancy glow is gone and our skin changes. Our post-pregnancy body changes in unexpected ways too!

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