6 Common Confinement Myths I Refused to Follow

Confinement practices have long been a tradition for postpartum recovery, but are all these rules necessary? In this article, we tackle 6 common confinement myths after giving birth, from bathing restrictions to dietary beliefs. Learn how to embrace practical, modern confinement methods that focus on your comfort and recovery. Whether it’s washing your hair, enjoying air conditioning, or indulging in a balanced diet, there’s room to adapt without guilt. Find out how one mum navigated traditional confinement practices while caring for her newborn and debunked myths along the way. Your recovery journey can be practical and meaningful!

As a Singaporean Chinese, confinement practices were considered necessary for me to follow after the delivery of my son. But many friends told me about confinement myths after giving birth, and I felt quite torn – should I follow the traditional way of these trusted postpartum care routines passed down across generations? Otherwise, would I suffer the repercussions of not following these rules?

With so many confinement do’s and don’ts shared by my mother, mother-in-law and mummy friends, it became quite overwhelming on top of trying to cope with a newborn.

As a practical person, I decided to do it “my way” and threw some of those seemingly baseless practice out of the window. I made sure I did things that made me feel comfortable. Some call it a “modern confinement” – I think I’ll call it “practical confinement” along with some confinement myths after giving birth debunked.

Confinement myths after giving birth
Cuddle and sniff your little gift – it’s the simplest way to bond with your baby.

Confinement Yay Or Confinement Myths

1: Can new mums wash hair and bathe during confinement?

Instead of having sweaty and gross hair for a month, I washed my hair every two days using hot herbal water when I had my warm showers. One of the common confinement myths after giving birth is that bathing will let “wind” enter the body. To counter this, I towel-dried my hair and body quickly, blow-dried my hair, and kept windows and doors shut after bathing.

2: Can I bounce back to work after having a baby?

I’ll admit that I was stubbornly doing my work and was sitting for long hours during the first month of having my baby. Now, I’m suffering from lower back pain. On hindsight, I should have been lying down a lot more during my post-partum recovery period.

3: Is it okay to switch on the fan and air conditioning?

Singapore’s humid and sunny weather makes it challenging to with stand especially when our body temperatures and hormones can be quite different after having a baby. In ancient times, women were told not to use the fan or air conditioning for fear of “wind” entering their body, especially in the winter seasons. However, in Singapore’s humid weather, I found it impossible to skip them. I used both to stay comfortable but avoided direct exposure.

Confinement myths after giving birth: small baby hand
It’s important for mamas to get enough rest and have a balanced diet during this recovery period.

4: Is confinement food necessary for post-partum mums?

Our body needs to recuperate right after having our babies, so eating well is a way to nourish and nurse ourselves back. Some mums don’t enjoy the strong herbal tastes of the generous use of ginger, sesame oil or vinegar in their confinement meals. To me, I enjoyed the dishes and made it a point to eat well – it’s definitely not the time to worry about losing weight. This period is about healing and having nourishment so we can have the energy to care for our babies and breastfeed them.

5: Do breastfeeding mums need a special diet?

Breast engorgement, building up the milk supply, pumping and latching my baby… this initial period made me feel like a cow, and a sticky, smelly one too. Thus, point #2 is essential for personal hygiene and comfort. Also, after trying several foods that are known to help boost breastmilk supply, I found papaya soup effective. Some of my mummy friends share that lactation cookies helped improve their supply too, so some trial and error is involved to find out what works for your body.

Confinement myths after giving birth: Breastfeeding can be challenging during the confinement period as mums are learning to cope with their new routine, trying to understand their newborn’s cues and recuperating.
Breastfeeding can be challenging during the confinement period as mums are learning to cope with their new routine, trying to understand their newborn’s cues and recuperating.

6: Can I drink bubble tea, coffee or cold water during confinement?

I’ve seen so many new mummies ask this because drinking hot red dates water for the entire month seems daunting. It’s important to ensure we are sufficiently hydrated, especially if we’re breastfeeding our babies. While hydration is crucial, I added variety by drinking hot Milo, warm water, and soups. Some friends stopped drinking their favourite bubble tea, coffee, soft drinks and cold water when they were pregnant, and I understand how hard it must be to stay away from their comfort drinks. So perhaps, everything in moderation as long as there are no serious implications to baby or mummy?

Are you a pregnant mum who’s planning for her confinement period? Do you know someone who decided to skip this post-baby care? Or do you have any confinement myths you want to share? Leave a comment below to share your experience and tips with fellow mummies too!

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